It has been so long since I posted anything on this blog that I almost forgot I had it running. Well to be honest not much has changed since I last posted, well apart from I've done a lot of time away at sea,(so I missed last Christmas) changed my motor bike into a faster one(Yamaha R1 for those of you who know what I'm talking about), spent 2 weeks in Florida getting the soles of my feet fried, moved ashore to a new job and married my lovely woman. The latter happened on my birthday, shrude move on the wife's part so I wouldn't forget the date don't you think? I am terrible with dates but I think many men are the same. Or maybe it's a ploy on our part to lead you girlies into thinking our lives would fall down around our asses if we didn't have you around to keep us on the straiight and narrow. I'd hate to think my Mrs loved me because of my inability to memorise a bloody calender.
I hope you all have had a easy time while I have been away spending my time beneath the deep blue, but as the old saying goes "That's the way it is Jack", I can't really complain. My new job is an instructors position working just 7 miles away from my home and I am enjoying imparting my knowledge onto those who keep us safe by delivering britain's nuclear capability while we sleep sound with our loved one's or even one you've just picked up from the pub for that matter. For those of you who teach/instruct will know what I mean when I say that to see poeple developing and using the skills you have taught them to better themselves is quite rewarding. I will attempt to keep you all posted on what I'm up to and I will try and read more of yours.
Take Great Care.
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