Hippocracy Is Just another Name for Religion
My Missus and I had my kids during Easter, Easter, what do you think about Easter? Is it all chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies? I have a thing about Christianity and any other faith for that matter. So many atrocities have taken place in the name of religion which no matter what way you look at it, it's all tantamount to two things, "War and Terrorism". I find it hard to believe in there being a body on high when people are at war dying for what others believe in. My old man would say, "look at all the good Protestants and Catholics going to their church and chapels on a Sunday just to ask for forgiveness for what they have done and for all the sinning they are about to do". You know I agree with him 100%. I am very interested in what others think on this matter.
Being brought up in N.Ireland I seen a lot of antics in the name of religion. You have to be realistic and say that an awful lot of money went to line a lot of pockets during the troubles all in the name of "The Cause", what a load of bollocks. I have seen more alcohol being drank in the name of the cause than you can shake a dozen drunkards at and the majority of the money came from the innocent.
My change in heart came when the explosion happened in Enniskillen on rememberance day and was further bolstered by the Omagh bombing and I gave up all hope of there being anyone who looked after mankind let alone a divine being who has the universe in the palm of their hand after the Tsunami in Asia. I remember being in a cafe reading a news paper just a few days after the Asian disaster and the numbers were mounting up with what seemed like no end to the body count. The recent acts of terrorism on London and Glasgow have put a new spin on things as they were maybe not masterminded but had a healthy sprinkling of Muslim NHS professional back-up. Are these people being used because our need for more health professionals is high but our vetting process is low, therefore leaving the back door open for terrorist recruits? I am not ganging natural disaster and that dealt out by the human hand together, only that the end result is the same,(Death) and if there is a God Almighty looking down then why the hell isn't he doing anything about the despair brought on by what he has made? When I was In that cafe a day or two after the Asian disaster I wrote these lines on the napkin as my thoughts went out to them:
"Mother Nature's Devastating Hand"
Countries are in jeopardy riddled with poverty while wealth is squandered by the fat cats of society.
Nations devastated by a TSUNAMI, where 150,000 lives pay the highest penalty, do people realise how fortunate we are with money in pocket a house and a car?
Mother nature with a sweep of her hand has left Asia's people without life or land.
Turned apon by the guardian who fed she wrecked their homes and left kin for dead.
So tell me? who do these people turn for help in their hour of need, or is anyone interested beyond the scope of their own greed?
"All Poem copyrights reserved by owner".
Nations devastated by a TSUNAMI, where 150,000 lives pay the highest penalty, do people realise how fortunate we are with money in pocket a house and a car?
Mother nature with a sweep of her hand has left Asia's people without life or land.
Turned apon by the guardian who fed she wrecked their homes and left kin for dead.
So tell me? who do these people turn for help in their hour of need, or is anyone interested beyond the scope of their own greed?
"All Poem copyrights reserved by owner".